In this moment of crisis, we need to let things arise and evaporate, leaving us unburdened enough to do the work of peace. Dew Season can suggest how.
Read moreWill and Skill
A vision isn't moot just because there isn’t currently the will and skill to carry it off. There will be.
A drash on Parashat Pekudei, plus a musical setting of Vihi Noam. (And an extra opening story in the audio version.)
Read moreIsrael, Anatevka, & the Jewish Soul – Video
In my Yom Kippur sermon last week, I explored the status of Israeli democracy protests, the connection of Israeli Occupation to the current crisis, and what it is in our American Jewish souls – the longing, the fear, and the insecurity – that keeps us silent. Now is the time to find our voice. Here it is in video.
Read moreIsrael, Anatevka, and the Jewish Soul
For Yom Kippur, I explore what it is in our American Jewish soul – the longing, the fear, and the insecurity – that keeps us silent when Israel (and Palestine) are under discussion. Now is the time to find our voice.
Read moreThe Weight of Money
Money is power. And the more money you have, the greater your power to do good and the greater your power to do evil. In the Purim story, the Queen Esther story, Haman uses arguments about Jewish disloyalty to convince the king to order the destruction of the Jews. But to clinch the deal, he offers to fund the operation himself. He offers 10,000 talents of silver for the king’s treasury if the king will issue the edict. Haman doesn’t just dream up the destruction of the Jews, Haman buys the destruction of the Jews. How are we ever to prevail against well-funded hate?
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