Book & Events

A long-awaited collection of essays, memoir, and poetry by rabbi, former drag queen, and self-proclaimed "hope-monger," Irwin Keller. In Shechinah at the Art Institute, the author leads us on dazzling journeys into Jewish mysticism, love, loss, memory, gender, AIDS, and the Milky Way itself. Buckle your seatbelts.


Recordings of Past Appearances

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Enso Village, Healdsburg. Photo by Jessica Tunis

Commonweal in Bolinas. Photo by Oren Slozberg.

Book Reviews

“Shechi­nah at the Art Insti­tute is part mem­oir and part poet­ry col­lec­tion, all imbued with a sense of won­der about the uni­verse. Keller is a rab­bi, and his writ­ing often sounds like para­bles or ser­mons — but instead of preach­ing to us, he tells us sto­ries that reveal his attempts to learn from his lived expe­ri­ences. . . . Keller’s writ­ing is clear, engag­ing, and reflects the wis­dom of a learned rab­bi.” Stuart Florsheim, Jewish Book Council, Dec. 9, 2024. Read the review here.

“The Shechinah dances her way through this dreamy, mystical, nonlinear memoir filled with stories and poems about angels, ancestors, coincidences, music and prayers. Along the way, [Keller] folds in his insights into Jewish life with the aim of helping us heal our damaged world.” Eli Ramer, JWeekly, Nov. 19, 2024. Read the review here.

“[Keller] takes an incident and expands it, rabbinic-style, into a parable, a moral lesson, a life lesson. They are mini-essays. They are sermons. Throughout, he explicitly invites comparisons with the funny and wise Chelm stories from European Chassidic Jewish shtetl life: there’s an element of the fanciful, myth and enchantment. There is wisdom.” Charles Rammelkamp,, October 21, 2024. Read the review here.

Advance Praise

Book cover and Shechinah Emblem by Sasha O’Malley.